Avoid Being the Productive Procrastinator.


Today is the day it finally happens. The timing is perfect and nothing can stop you. That big idea that has been fueling the fire in your heart for the past several years is ready to make a grand appearance.

You are launching your finally business!

It’s no longer just a dream anymore. Starting your own business has been having a semi-quiet pre celebratory party going in your head for as long as you can remember. This celebration is in honor of all the ways your new business is going to change the world for as long as you can remember, right?

Let me guess. You’re still on cloud nine and flying headfirst into this new crazy world of entrepreneurship. It’s absolutely mandatory that you win! Because nothing can stop you now. So you hold your head high and soak in the glow that your big dream of working for yourself is finally here.

There’s just one last thing left to do.

You have to actually start your business.

In your mind, you’ve got it all mapped out but now you’ve just got to take the official leap of faith.

Am I right?

What are you waiting for?

Do you want to start your business or just daydream about making it happen?

It’s not a trick question.

It’s just easier said than done. You just have to actually jump in order to leap.

I often remember the early mornings and sleepless nights where I’d lay in bed dreading going to work because I’d rather be home working for myself instead of other people. Just a heads up, if you start spending those early mornings and sleepless nights truly working on your business idea.

Oh! And this simple action, of sleep sacrificing, will help in more ways than you know. The simple tasks of sacrificing sleep and working on your dream of entrepreneurship while you're still working are the first steps.

One of my biggest mistakes was quitting my job before I actually had my business blueprint mapped out. It’s important to find balance and spend the time while you are still collecting a salary.

It’s time to put an end to daydreaming procrastination. There will be days you wake up in the morning and feel inspired and empowered like you can achieve all of your goals in one day!

This may sound familiar. You finally made time to take a day off or sneak some well-deserved time to yourself and you think to yourself…

I’m going to be productive today!

Perhaps you recently watched a great Netflix documentary that sparked a fire. Or you’ve been doing research and a YouTube influencer made you believe you to can “get rich quick “ by doing what they do. Most likely you are simply sick and tired of being sick and tired so you take a leap of faith and tell yourself “Today is the Day!”

Again, I ask.

What are you waiting for?

Are you waiting for the time to be right and for everything in your life to be perfect?

I hate to tell you, but when you are an aspiring entrepreneur who’s looking to start a new business, the time will never be right. Oh, and the new moon and stars will never be perfectly aligned to guide you on your journey. Just take a deep breath and start and stop dreaming about what could be and take action to make it a reality.

Here are a few things that will help you avoid procrastination and take that first step towards bringing your dream of entrepreneurship to life.

I’ve got five ways that will help you avoid procrastination and take that first step towards bringing your dream of entrepreneurship to life.

Number one — See the big picture. Being able to visualize all the things that you want for your business is a key motivator. It may be the craziest biggest idea but right every aspect of that vision and that dream down. Because it will give you all of the clues that you need in order to make your way towards seeing that vision come to life.

Number two — Break down each of the steps. When you see the big vision you have to understand physically and mentally how you’re going to get there. And then come up with a plan. When you break down the steps it takes you can see what is required of you so that you can work out every route and plan for any setbacks.

Number three — Set realistic goals. Your life is busy and you have ten thousand things going on on top of your big idea. So be realistic. Disappointment and overwhelmed, from not keeping your eye on what actually doable and creating more work and stress for yourself by overextending yourself.

Number four. Create an action plan. Creating an action plan means actually physically grabbing your calendar and putting tasks on the calendar. When you put tasks on your calendar these are things that you must do that day in order to stay on target for cheating your goals.

Number 5 — Do the work. It’s all up to you. If you wake up and you don’t do what’s on your calendar then your dream is that further from coming true. If you make room for your vision to grow in your everyday life you will soon find yourself walking in the reality that is your vision.

Letting go of those limiting beliefs about your business can be scary. And yes, you may look like a fool. I choose to be that friend who took the risk of looking like a fool. But the reality of it was my family and friends didn’t think I was a complete fool, most of them told me that they thought I was brave and courageous.

You personally have my permission to be foolish for taking a risk and failing. But I want to remind you that the risk you take does not make you look foolish, it’s the emotional connection that comes with the uncertainty of doing something new. It may feel uncomfortable but it is more so about learning and overcoming all of the mistakes that you will make along the way that will need to be corrected.

By correcting these mistakes and trying again and continuing to shift and pivot throughout the process will allow your vision to evolve as well. Once you’re able to master expansion for your vision and stop procrastinating, you will start to see things happening before your eyes.

No more waiting. Start today and take action that will allow you to start living your dreams while you are actually awake.

If you are ready to put an end to procrastination and start organizing your vision check out my free Mini-Course and BYOB ( Be Your Own Brand)



Bridgette Rooks | 50 Year Old Vlogger
Cre8tive Culture

At 50, while empty nesting & following my purpose I strive to minimize the chaos, overcome fears & find peace. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle. Ready?!